Fri 03 Jan
➜ *FLiRTy, FrEaKy & FuLL of FuN* (100% NEW REAL Pic'SSS!!) UP, LaTe ! - 25
(East Bay, OakLand HiLLs InCaLL /OutCaLLs__OutCaLLs)
(¯`'•.¸+ CLICK (¯`'•.¸+ ON + ¸.•'´¯) ME ¸.•'´¯) AVA!LABLE NOW !! - 25
(East Bay, Oakland HiLLs INCaLL/OutCaLLs/OutCaLLs)
——»Th€ OR!giNÅL ULTiMÅT€ iNDULG€NC€ , SM¤KiN H¤T , S€Xy , €ROTiC PLÅYMÅT€ , §IMPL¥ IRR£§I§...
Sunmer Time sp Tia Tasty G-Milf 100% Real Pic - 39
(East Bay, North Bay, San Francisco, Vallejo Napa Fairfield an out calls well)
Ebony Princess in Search of Her King - 32
(Oakland Hills)
Eritrean goddess outcalls 80 $ 👠 - 21
(East Bay, Oakland hills surrounding area)
The Savoir-faire Of An Older Woman - - 50
(East Bay, El Cerrito Hills)
NEW! Click ME Sweet & Discrete KILLER HOTTIE - 20
(East Bay, oakland hills)
💋Long hair😘Busty Curvy💦Spanish💦European Bombshell - 23
(East Bay, Emeryville Concord Pinole Fremont)
Thu 02 Jan
👉 N€W BOOTY Upscale🍭💗 💋 🍬🍭§€×¥ Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU neEd 💋💗 NaUght¥ & ®Eady 2 PLay...
(East Bay, Oakland Hills , Alameda , San Leandro ,)
Young Petite Tan Blonde Ashlee Visiting - Walnut Creek - 24
(East Bay, Walnut Creek Danville Pleasant Hill 680)
late night sunday fun with your snowflake💕 - 22
(East Bay, Oakland Hills)
☆° ❤ FLiGHT TO ✈ (¯` °SATiSFACTiON° ´¯) ✈ BOARDiNG NOW!!! - 23
(East Bay, Oakland Hills InCaLLs & EastBay OutCaLLs)
✨Natural White Girl👙Perky B00bies💜big B00tY - 27
(East Bay, Oakland Hills, Richmond , Berkeley 💋, Richmond)
Sensual Overload - 48
(El Cerrito Hills)
College is in / "Time for Recess " Hottie Playmate ......... ......... ..... - 21
(Concord , Vallejo , San Ramon , WalnutCr)