Tue 21 Jan
☎️MOST Wanted🍭Sweet n SLIPPERY🍭 thick & juicy💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL🌴🌺 EXOT!C GODDESS 💋 - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston and surrounding areas)
Megan FoXXX - 24
Looking 4 an Irish Busty Babydoll with an hourglass shape?..... im right here !!!!!!!!!!!! - 24
let's have fun play party and if ur in to watching live action we got it all here - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, lowell chelmsford dracut)
@@@@@latin baby girl in boston @@@@ sexy and hot for you@@ - 23
*** Limited time only *** GISELLE back in Malden!!! Late Night Sensuality!!! - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, MALDEN INCALLS)
let's have fun play party and if ur in to watching live action we got it all here - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, lowell chelmsford dracut)
Lets have a great Saturday together! Im a SEXY Italian beauty ready to please! - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere)
*♛♣ Fantasies? Role Playing? Sensual Therapy?❤ ♛SEXY Brunette PLAYMATE♣ Can do it all ❤ 781.354.2922 - 21
🌟Explore Your Fantasies & Desires. Well Reviewed. Sexy. 100% Real pix. Specials.👠 - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Saugus area- Outcalls/Incalls)
~*EVERYTHING You MIsS At HoMe *~EnDeArInG & COuRteoUS *Sensual*~* _*~* No Regrets - 25
(Worcester, westborough in only)
, etc LIVE YOUR FANTASY 5 Min N Bos 93 - 35
(Boston/Camb/Brook, 5 min N Bos 93)
Don't miss out exotic sexy Florida girl only here for short time ready to have fun 💓💟💗💜🍭🍭🍭🌴🌴...
(boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
Early Bird Special!! Sensual Massage Therapy!!! Start your week off right with Giselle!! - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Dedham INCALLS)
♥Dont get scamed again! Im Sexy♥ Beautiful♥ Open Minded 100% Real Pix. A+ Reviews ♥Specials♥ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus-Incalls/Outcalls)
- DOUBL€ the TROUBL€ —❤ ——█ ❤ EXQU!S!T€ €BONY B€AUT!€S ❤ █ — SP€C!AL$ AVA!LiABLE NOW ❤...
(North Shore, Northshore Outcalls Everywhere)
Don't miss out exotic sexy Florida girl only here for short time ready to have fun 💓💟💗💜🍭🍭🍭🌴🌴...
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
^ ^ ^ ^ D R E A M S ~ D O ~ C U M ~ T R U E !!!!! 2 girl special^ ^ ^ ^ - 21
(quincy adams inn)
Come Warm Up Wit Me 100% Real Photos - 24
(North Shore, northshore incalls)
●●Come Meet a Pro. SPECIALS! 100%REAL PIX. Excellent Reviews. Open-Minded. ●● - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus area- Incall/Outcall)
★★Come over and have a great experience! REAL PIX. Excellent Reviews. Open-Minded. ★★ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus area- Incall/Outcall)
****°° °°come play with pure seduction*** 8574176331 fetish friendly - 22
(North Shore, everett)
💎 Come See a Sexy&Classy; Girl. Fetish Friendly. Excellent Reviews💎 - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Saugus Area-outcalls/incalls)
Complete PROfessional Upscale DOM&Fetish...; 1000% real pics! - 27
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Worcester, Mass,RI,CT,CAPE)
♥Come see one of the Best in Boston♥ Excellent Reviews ♥ Descreet ♥ Fetish Friendly♥ Specials♥ - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere-incalls Boston area-outcalls)
♥ ♥ ClaSsy ChiCk tRuE RaRe ExOTiC BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW $100 outcall SpEciaLs - 28
(Metro West, framingham incalls /outcalls)
♥ ♥ ClaSsy ChiCk tRuE RaRe ExOTiC BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW in & outcall SpEciaLs - 28
(Metro West, framingham incalls /outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
♥S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ - - 25
Tue 07 Jan
*♛♣ Fantasies? Role Playing? Sensual Therapy?❤ ♛SEXY Brunette PLAYMATE♣ Can do it all ❤ 781.354.2922 - 21
STOP!!! Hot&sexy; Italian female look no further your dreams are about to come true... - 34
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Dorchester)
$$$$$$ ____________ * LOOK HERE * _________ BUSTY BABES ______________ LISA & KRISSY ______________ - 24
(Worcester, _________ INCALLS WORC ______KELLYsq.)
❤ToTaLLy HoT ❤ SeXy ITaLiAn PLayMaTe ❤ eXoTiC & CuRvY ❤ AvAiLaBLe NoW - 21
(Boston, My place or your place)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Classy and all yours .. hh rates available. fetish friendly ,roll playing, all around fun - 39
(North Shore, SAUGUS INCALLS ONLY sorry no outcall)
♥SEXY. BEAUTIFUL. REAL.♥ Excellent Reviews ♥ Descreet ♥ Fetish Friendly♥ Specials♥ - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere-incalls Boston area-outcalls)
Sexy, Sassy, Sweet & Seductive 100% My real photos, specials - 23
(North Shore, northshore/boston incalls/out)
specials tonight call lexi and the girl - 28
(Worcester, lowell)
💋💄â¤ï¸ •• ((SuPeR SeXy)) •• ((BarBie DoLL)) •• ((WiTh a Bi...
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall (Dedham) Back Bay Copley Outcall)
💋💄❤️ •• ((SuPeR SeXy)) •• ((BarBie DoLL)) •• ((WiTh a BiG BouncY BooTY)) •• 💋💄❤️ ViS...
(North Shore, incall Revere)
Sexy Classy and all yours.. hh rate available role playing ,fantasy's erotic massaging .. . - 39
(North Shore, SAUGUS INCALLS ONLY sorry no outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
let's have fun play party and if ur in to watching live action we got it all here - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, lowell chelmsford dracut)
💋💄❤️ •• (SuPeR SeXy) •• ((BarBie DoLL)) •• ((WiTh a BiG BouncY BooTY)) •• 💋💄❤️ ViSiT...
(Boston, outcall incall Dedham Nodwood, South Shore)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __ *J A W* __ (D R O P P E R) __ *W I T H* __ [N A U G H T Y] __ *S I D E* - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston downtown in&out;)
The best GFE!!! !!!!! !! TIGHT A$$ !!!!! a$$$$ !!!!!! great body 2 F@CKK (in/ outcalls) - 20
(downtown incall/outcall)
💋SeXy. PrO. FeTiSh FriEnDlY. REAL PIX. Specials. Well reviewed💋 - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Revere-outcalls-incalls)
♥SEXY. BEAUTIFUL. REAL.♥ Excellent Reviews ♥ Descreet ♥ Fetish Friendly♥ Specials♥ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Cambridge-incalls BostonOutcall)
older, mature, beautiful, all you need and so much more.. - 39
(North Shore, SAUGUS INCALLS ONLY sorry no outcall)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* Something sweet ♥ Something Sexy♥ ·.¸.·´¯*...$100$ - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, local outcalls/incalls)
Sat 04 Jan
Yazmine way here to Play 2girl special - 24
(North Shore, Northshore Boston)
*unique, open, and classy*.. $100. hour special 2 min from rt 1 - 39
(North Shore, REVERE incalls)
💦💦 💦 👅💋 💋 💋The Nastiest Cv You'll Ever Meet 💦👅💦💋💦 - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston surrounding areas)
***Specials*** 2 is Better than 1 ;)~ - 22
(North Shore, northshore incalls possibly out)
Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate, Invigorate, Escape from your Hectic Day...Feel your Absolute Best... - 19
Real Pix. Beautiful. Sexy. Professional. Excellent reviews. Specials. - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/North Shore-Outcalls Tonight)
⭐️Real Pix. Sexy. Professional Fetish Specialist. Excellent reviews. Specials.💎 - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/North Shore-Outcalls/Incalls)
DollHouse Entertainment - 20
(( *Cute { B r u n e t t e } __ *hot & SEXY __ ~ 1oO% sWeeT~ ... .. & Petite ..... )) $120specials - 21
(copley square)
~Well Reviewed AVA~ Tewksbury - 30
(Northwest/Merrimack, in call Tewksbury)
Superwoman returns Thursday.. AKA KRISTALEE TWO NEW PICS - 39
(North Shore, saugus incalls)
SUGAR & SPICE and nothing nice hot Italian female - 34
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Dorchester)
💋Sexy. Beautiful. Professional. Hour glass shape Italian. Excellent Reviews. Specials!💋 - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Saugus Area-outcalls/incalls)
Fri 03 Jan
★Sexy. VIP. Fetish friendly. 100 Real Pix! A+ Reviews! Specials★ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Saugus/Revere area- incall/Outcall)
Sexy Classy and all yours.. nature walks or your place.. available . - 39
(North Shore, SAUGUS outcall in northshore area)
Come Take A Vacation . - 26
ON YOUR KNEES!! Crawl to me & BEG me for an Ass Whipping - 24
(Southern NH // Northern MA)
Sweet playfull busty brunette - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/south shore/north shore)
★Sexy. VIP. Open Minded. Real Pix! A+ Reviews! ★Holiday Special♥ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Saugus-incall/Outcall)
playfull busty and curvy brunette - 26
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/south shore/north shore)
Thu 02 Jan
💋💄❤️ •• ((SuPeR SeXy)) •• ((BarBie DoLL)) •• ((WiTh a BiG BouncY BooTY)) •• 💋💄❤️ ViS...
(South Coast, incall Dedham / outcall)
lets get together and make this day a great day ...Kristalee - 39
(North Shore, saugus incalls only no outcalls)
♥Come See The Best! Im Sexy♥ Beautiful♥ Open Minded 100% Real Pix. A+ Reviews ♥Specials♥ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Saugus/Boston area-Incalls/Outcalls)