Mon 24 Mar
♥️Top Asian Girls🌸772-259-2416🍎 Sexy🌸 Hot🌸
(4330 W Broward Blvd ste l, Plantation, FL 33317)
Fri 21 Mar
Hi, I'm Amanda , I'm new here.
(Near your location )
Sat 22 Feb
❣★ VIP service★❣ 💯✅We provide you with quality massage and thoughtful service♥♡ 754-228-7121
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
Khloe Hello baby , call me love , active 24/7
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
🧲🧲real pictures 🧲❤️ ✨✅💚💚💚Grand Opening✨✅ 🍀💚💚💚💚💚New Asiangirls💚💚...
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
Alexis 754-802-8012 no deposits 2/14/2025 text or call
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
561.679.8267 Nixie Mermaid No Deposits Req.NixieMermaid Authentic Passionate Mature Safe Discreet
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
Missy Mature Fabulous in my Fourties
(Fort Lauderdale, US)
Mon 10 Feb
💥💥954-890-0666 new charming girls🍏hot body superb service💥💥
(Pompano Beach,Oakland Park, FL)
Mon 27 Jan
Sinfully Hot Sexy Busty 36D (Exotic Rubs,Kisses ,Mutual Pleasure , Conversation,N hugsn all Else) - 22
**** SKIN so SCRUMPTIOUS it TASTES LIKE COTTON CANDY *** " ALEA " the " Cuban Queen " !!!!!! - 32
(southwest ranches)
SEXY💗SWEET💗 B R A Z I L I A N💗Top video 💜💙💚❤️💜💙💚❤️💜💙💚❤️💜💚💚❤...
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood,Deerfield,Boca Raton,95hwy)
Si Habalo Espanol ^*^ Taylor Perez*^* InDependent *^* Great Attitude *^* Avail. All Day InCall - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Miami/Hallendale/Miramar/Pines)
SexY SenSuaL eBonY cuTiE wiTh cUrVeS aNd a BiG oLe bOOty!! PaRiS DioR 9546305799 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Beach, DaNia BeAch)
SexY *** SeductivE *** N' KinkY *** WouLd *** LOVE *** To *** FetisH U TonitE - 30
(Ft Lauderdale, Wherever YOU are)
Sexy Samantha is SUPER HOT!!
(Ft. Lauderdale)
Sexy Crazy MonDay With Amazon; Taylor Perez ***InCall*** Latina *Bilingual* - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Pines Hallendale Miramar)
Sexy Alex - Mature, Sexy, slender, auburn haired temptress!
(Ft. Lauderdale)
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( ( ( SeXxY Pole Dancer ) ) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* - 35
(Ft Lauderdale, I come to you,outcall (Palm Bch areas))
Sexy Alex - Mature, Sexy, slender, auburn haired temptress! - 45
(Ft. Lauderdale)
{{{ Seductive Goddess }}} *** »«»«» *** ErotiC PleAsuRe ~~ FETISHES - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Hallandale)
Sensual BUSTY Ebony Beauty Leah White luv givin Exotic Body Rubs(N Lots more 36D Special !!!!!) - 22
@ *@ *@** P-E-T-I-T-E * *A-S-I-A-N **@* *@ALL DAY ALL NIGHT *@* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward/PBC)
@ *@ *@** P-E-T-I-T-E * *A-S-I-A-N **@* *@ALL DAY ALL NIGHT *@* - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, FT Laud Beach)
Open-Minded Monday Super Special Rates!!! T A Y L O R Perez *InCaLL - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Miami/Hallendale/Miramar/Pines)
New Pic's , New Pic's, New Pic's New New Pics With Amazon Taylor Perez *InCall* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Aventura Miami Hallendale Pine)
New Pics!!!, New Pics!!! New Pics!! With Amazon *^Taylor Perez*^ 786*923*6411 *InCall* - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami Ft.Lauderdale Hallendale Hollywood)
NEW NEW NEW NEW P I C'S with Latin Amazon ***Taylor Perez*^* OutCall+InCall - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Pines Weston)
New ! ! Beautiful Blonde Natural 36 DD's, Sophisticated, Intelligent Curvy Classy Cougar !
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Boca Raton)
NEW GIRL( Sexy Exotic Island Spinner) Victoria Rose wants to provide( BEST of both worlds to you) - 22
N E W N ew N E W Pic's!!! It's 55Degrees OutSide*** Taylor Perez *** InCall - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, HollywoodMiamiFt.LauderdaleMiramarDania*)
Sun 12 Jan
She's a veRy frEaKy gIrL dNt taKe ha to MaMa! First u get ha name name then u call DioR.9546305799 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale area)
Sat 11 Jan
Outcalls Available Now *¨ .. SPECIAlS with A MIxED BEAuTY-•*¨¨*•. I'm ALL YoU NEeD ☆ :outcalls- - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls on Broward Blvd ☆Available, Sunrise)
°o♥o° Im Back °o♥o° (INCALLS) What you see here is what you get, GUARANTEED - 20
(cypress creek)
Thu 09 Jan
OLDER Mature Women Are Like Fine Vintage WINE!! - 45
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Forr Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale)
Tue 07 Jan
Rise and Shine Early Special's With Bilingual Amaozn*Taylor Perez*OutCall+ InCall** Avail. All Day* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Miramar Hallendale Pines)
New Year's Special's Whole Week With Amazing Amazon *Taylor Perez *InCall - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Palm Beach)
*** MOUTH WATERING *** (((((( " ALEA ")))))) *** MOUTH WATERING *** (((((( " ALeXXa " )))))) ! ! - 32
(Southwest ranches)
**** MOUTH WATERING*** ((((( " ALEXXA "))))) *** MOUTH WATERING*** ((((( " ALexxa "))))) ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32
(Southwest Ranches)
Ms. BooTY SaYs CoMe PlAY wth Me ToDaY $40 - 26
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Busty 36D (Exotic Rubs,Kisses ,Mutual Pleasure ,Conversation, hugs , Everything else Specials) - 22
(FT.Lauderdale-Your Place)
SaTUrDaY SpECiAL - ChEyANNe NeW PiX/LoCAtION $40 All DaY - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, HOLLYWOOD/HLWD BLVD[95)
*** ONLY FOR THE UPSCALE GENTLEMEN*** ((((( " Alexxa " ))))) *** ONLY FOR THE UPSCALE GENTLEmen ! ! - 32
(Southwest Ranches)
NEW NEW NEW Pic's***Taylor Perez^*^ "BLACK FRIDAY" Out Specials^*^ - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood441/InCall*BilingualAmazon2Play)
N E W N E W N E W PIC'S WITH AMAZON "Taylor Perez" *InCall* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Hallendale)
(Ft Lauderdale, OUTCALLS ONLY!!!)
(Ft Lauderdale, OUTCALLS ONLY!!!)
NAUGHTY Fetish QUEEN*_*_* Let mE Know Your Fantasy ( 70/qk ) Wett & Ready!! - 19
**** ****{ MOUTH WATERING} *** ***{CUBAN CUPCAKE } *** *** {Delectable} !! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! - 32
(SW Ranches)
Sexy Latinas,Best at Fetishes,Role Playing, 2 girl... "Specials" - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, FT.Laud,Sunrise,Tamarac,Weston,Coral Spr)
Outcall! Outcall! Outcall! Outcall! Outcall! Outcall! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Davie, Dania, Ft Laud)
δpank ✰ Me ¡'ve Been Bad ✰ O❤O. UNFORGETTABLE O.o - 20
(commercial and 33)
▃▃▃▃▃ ———————— —————————— ——— °•° SEXY * BLONDE * BUSTY °•° ...
(Ft Lauderdale, Pine Island 595)
*@ @ @ @ N SPECIAL ! @ @ @ - 22
(Fort Lauderdale / Beach Blvd)
Sexy Brunette New In Town Very Classy But Nasty - 20
(Daina Beach)
N E W) N E W ) N E W) pICS) pICS) With Latina Dominicana *Taylor Perez* InCall - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Hallendale)
Morning S P E C I A L's with Latina TaylorPerez!!! 786+923+6411 InCall - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami Hallandale Hollywood Weston Dania)
Sun 05 Jan
N E W N ew Pic's With Taylor Perez *** InCall*** It's 64Degree's: Chilly Specials* - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Miramar)
Open-Minded TAYLOR Perez. Early Morning Specials Gentlemen*** MUST COME SEE ME INSTEAD**** - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood441/InCalls*CleanDiscreetLatina)
New Pic's with New S P E C I A L Rates Call *^*Taylor Perez*^* InCall * A+ Attitude:) * - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Weston Pines)
N E W N E W Pic's Of Your Amazing Felixable Amazon Taylor Perez. Avail All Day* - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Miramar)
N E W New N E W PIC'S With Latin Amazon Taylor Perez*** InCall*** - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Miramar Pines)
----- SEXY HOT == DIRTY BLONDE == I LIKE IT ON TOP == ------ OUTCALL ----- - 35
(Ft Lauderdale, Boynton,Delray,Boca Raton,Deerfield)
Mouth watering Skills You be the Judge Outcalls Only Jewels - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, DeerField Beach, Fl)
Sat 04 Jan
Sexy, Sensual Super Sunday Specials!!! Taylor Perez¥¿ OutCall+InCall All Morning*Day:) - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Miramar Pines)
New Pics! N E W Pics! 786+923+6411*InCall * Hollywood* Bustie* Bilingual *Latina * Summer Vacation - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami/Hollywood/Hallendale/Weston/Pines)
New ! Beautiful Blonde Natural 36 DD's, Sophisticated, Intelligent Curvy Classy Cougar ! !
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Boca Raton)
*** MOUTH WATERING *** (((((( " ALEXXA ")))))) *** MOUTH WATERING *** (((((( " ALeXXa " )))))) ! ! - 32
(Southwest ranches)
***MOUTH WATERING*** ((((( "ALEXXA")))))) *** MOUTH WATERING*** ((((( " ALexxa"))))) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - 32
Sexy Latina,Best at Fetishes,Role Playing... "Specials" - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, FT.Laud,Sunrise,Tamarac,Weston,Coral Spr)
Open-Minded, Exotic Amazing Latin Amazon *TAYLOR Perez* InCall** AVAILABLE - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Miramar Pines)
*** *** ONLY FOR UPSCALE GENTLEMEN *** *** ((((( " ALEXXA " ))))) *** ONLY FOR UPSCALE GENTLEmen ! - 32
(SW Ranches)
OMG !! What A Booty on that WHITE GIRL, and Look at Her Black Friend. Anything Goes. Call Now .. - 26
(Nice Bottom in PALM BEACH)
-----⛄️❄️New To You and Your City 🏡 ----------- ❤️I'M LOOKING FOR FUN ❤️ -----VISTING!! - my - - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hialeah, doral, okeechobee airport)
NeW PiCs* Latin Caremel Bustie Amazon avail. 786+923+6411 Hollywood area. Independent* - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, Hallendale/Davie/Weston/Sunrise/Miami)
New ! Isabella 36D-23-25 Upscale Model ! Visiting Miami & Ft Lauderdale the week of July 5th ! - 28
(Miami, Miami Beach, Ft Lauderdale)
Samantha - Sexy, slender, auburn haired temptress!
(Ft. Lauderdale)
New.Pics*^* New Pics*^* With Latina *Taylor Perez* InCall *Hollywood441. Sunday Spcls Avail. - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami Sunrise Hallendale Hollywood Pines)
Nuru, Stockings, Watersprts, Heels and Electro Stim - Aug 8th thru Aug 9th - 36
(Ft Lauderdale, Sat and Sun Aug. 8th thru Aug 9th)
Mouth watering Skills You be the Judge - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, DeerField Beach, Fl)
Fri 03 Jan
Samantha - Sexy, slender, auburn haired temptress!
(Ft Lauderdale)
Rainny Saturday; Dry At *^*Taylor Perez*^* InCall West Hollywood441 Location*^* Special's*% - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Aventura Weston Pines Miami)
*** ONLY FOR THE UPSCALE GENTLEMEN*** ((((( " Alexxa " ))))) *** ONLY FOR THE UPSCALE GENTLEmen ! ! - 31
(Southwest Ranches)
Sexy Busty 36D (Exotic Rubs,Kisses ,Mutual Pleasure ,Conversation, hugs Whip Cream,Toys) - 21
Rainny; Slippery Day Today? Stop by And CheckOut Amazon **TAYLOR PEREZ** Dominican Carmel Latina* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Ft.Lauderdale Hallendale)
Out-Going, Sensual Latina Beauty!!! TaylorPerez *INCall* 786+923+6411 *Speacials* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft,Laud Coral Springs Weston Hallandale)
*^ OutCall + InCall With ***Taylor Perez*** Dominican + Great Attitude*^ Special's's Now!! - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Miami Hallendale Miramar Pines)
*** (((( NEW PICS )))) *** (((( HOT NEW PICS )))) *** (((( NEW PICS )))) *** ((( HOT NEW PICS ))*** - 31
(Southwest Ranches)
*** *** SEE The CUBAN SEDUCTRESS " ALEXXA " TASTE Me 2day ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !~ - 32
(SW Ranches)
Sexy Busty College Student Will Care for u Wit Lovin Attention, Body Rub n( Everythin Else 36D ) - 22
;) PetitE AsiaN ALL Day ALL NighT - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, broward)